Career at Steem1960
Work with us
Steem1960 has earned its reputation as an employer of choice by attracting experienced personnel with diverse backgrounds. Our workforce encompasses not only shipbroking experts, but also individuals with significant expertise in areas such as banking, finance, trading, ship owning and sailing at sea.
We provide a dynamic and inclusive environment that values the unique skills and perspectives that each employee brings to the table.
Knowledge – the foundation of our success
A core aspect of our company's ethos is continuous development of our employees. Through active memberships in various industry organisations, our personnel gain access to invaluable knowledge and insights. This is essential in maintaining our position at the forefront of the maritime sector.
Become a part of our team
By joining Steem1960, you will become a part of an attractive work environment. With offices located globally, you'll have the opportunity to both work and learn across geographical boundaries. Within Steem1960, you will encounter individuals who are not only knowledgeable and motivated, but friendly and eager to share their expertise to provide unwavering support in your professional voyage.